[WSIS CS-Plenary] crisinfo.org: Final WSIS update 18 November En/Es/Pt

Myriam Horngren mh at wacc.org.uk
Mon Nov 21 15:11:36 GMT 2005


Estados Unidos cuestiona libertad de prensa y expresión en Túnez
18 de Noviembre 2005
Olga Paz, Colnodo, Colombia
Los delegados de Estados Unidos difundieron esta mañana un comunicado donde indican que Tunisia ha perdido una gran oportunidad para demostrar su abierto y decidido compromiso con la libertad de prensa y de expresión.

Women's Statement on Tunisian Human Rights Situation
We, women's organisations, individuals and networks gathered in Tunis for Phase II of the World Summit on the Information Society, denounce blatant violations of human rights, freedom of expression, access to information and freedom of assembly by the Tunisian government.

"Jamais plus", disent les groupes de liberté d'expression
Tunis, le 18 novembre 2005
Alors que la deuxième phase du Sommet Mondial sur la Société de
l'Information (SMSI) est sur le point de s'achever en Tunisie, les
organisations des médias et de la liberté d'expression appellent de leur voeux une enquête des Nations Unies sur les attaques contre les droits de l'Homme et la liberté d'expression qui ont eu lieu en Tunisie à la veille et pendant le SMSI.

"Never again" say freedom of expression groups
Tunis, 18 November 2005
Media and freedom of expression groups today, at the conclusion of the second phase of the World Summit on the Information Society, called for a full investigation by the United Nations into attacks on human rights and freedom of expression that took place in Tunisia on the eve of and during the World Summit on the Information Society.


WSIS Summit, a space for Learning and Sharing
18 November 2005
Ahmed Swapan, Voices, Bangladesh
Patricia Bertolotti is the Director for Enciclopedia de Misiones, Argentina who runs a project on knowledge management in the Misiones province.

Desafios para as Organizacoes da Sociedade Civil
18 Novembre 2005
Luciano Sathler, WACC, Brazil
Desafios para as Organizacoes da Sociedade Civil rumo aas proximas negociacoes em instituicoes multilaterais de desenvolvimento.
A WACC - World Association for Christian Communication e CRIS realizam neste momento um evento paralelo aa Cupula Mundial da Sociedade de Informacao (CMSI) designado 'Communication Rights Assessment Advocacy Framework and Toolkit'.

18 November 2005
Ahmed Swapan, Voices, Bangaldesh
Among many of the organizatiuons that attended the WSIS Summit ActionAid International joined the WSIS Summit and displayed their publications and materials on the "Reflect and ICTs project".

Compromissos para o futuro

18 Novembre 2005
Luciano Satler, WACC, Brazil
Ao que tudo indica, quando o Secretario-Geral das Nacoes Unidas deicidiu chamar uma Cupula Mundial da Sociedade de Informacao (CMSI) nao esperava que a movimentacao fosse tao intensa e gerasse tanta participacao e atencao. Varios paises haviam se dado conta que o futuro passaria pela internet, tanto em questoes de poder quanto de desenvolvimento. A pressao na epoca foi devido aa convergencia digital, que jah apontava uma possivel mudanca radical na forma como governos se relacionariam com governados, bem como empresas com seus clientes e empregados. A organizacao que foi selecionada para conduzir a CMSI foi a International Telecommunications Union (ITU), talvez a instituicao, em todo o sistema ONU, com maior presenca do empresariado em suas discussoes e definicoes.

The World Summit on the Information Society has begun amidst of Debate on Internet Governance
16 November 2005
Ahmed Swapan, Voices, Bangladesh
The World Summit in the Information Society (WSIS) began on Wednesday in Tunis with the presence of global leaders- the representatives of Governments, international and regional organizations, civil society and the private sector, to the second phase of the World Summit on the Information Society. The Summit was inaugurated at 10 am local time in EI Kram Centre in Tunis, Tunisia.

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