[WSIS CS-Plenary] RE: [startup] Consultations on Action Line 11 of WSIS

Piaggesi, Danilo DANILOP at iadb.org
Tue Apr 18 15:33:06 BST 2006

I would also like to get a better clarification of the role assigned to the Regional Banks for Development, like the IADB, since they are not from the UN system bu they provide funds for any regional endeavours that would be agreed upon in future.
It seems to me that there is a tendency to cling to the UN system agencies when it comes to decisions and that the financial institutions outside the UN system are not considered on the same ground, during the decision making process.

Danilo Piaggesi 

Information and Communication Technology for Development Division SDS/ICT 
Education, Science and Technology Sub-Department 
Sustainable Development Department 

Inter-American Development Bank 
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-----Original Message-----
From: startup-bounces at unicttaskforce.org [mailto:startup-bounces at unicttaskforce.org]On Behalf Of Gurstein, Michael
Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2006 7:22 AM
To: plenary at wsis-cs.org
Cc: gta at vancouvercommunity.net; startup at unicttaskforce.org
Subject: FW: [startup] Consultations on Action Line 11 of WSIS

Further to Renate's note of yesterday please see the below... 
I'm wondering if it might be possible, on behalf of the Plenary to reply to this "invitation" that a stakeholder "consultation" "to discuss ways to enhance collaboration among diverse stakeholders in ensuring effective multi-stakeholder implementation, at the international level, of the outcomes of WSIS as regards international and regional cooperation" held for 3 hours in a meeting room in Geneva is not a "consultation" but simply another means to perpetuate existing closed door exclusionary processes since only those already available in Geneva or with the requisite budgets to attend in Geneva for such a meeting will have an opportunity to participate.
Those without such resources who will, I assume, include most of those (including their representative organizations and "caucuses") with the most direct and immediate interest in "information exchange, creation of knowledge, sharing of best practices, and assistance in developing multi-stakeholder and policy/private (sic?) partnerships" as the sources and originators and ultimately end users of such knowledge will be excluded from participation.
 -----Original Message-----
From: startup-bounces at unicttaskforce.org [mailto:startup-bounces at unicttaskforce.org] On Behalf Of sergei kambalov
Sent: April 18, 2006 12:23 AM
To: shoji.nishimoto at undp.org; Amir Dossal; Aida Opoku-Mensah; Joao Carlos FERRAZ; Mansour Farah; aw.khan at unesco.org; arthur.levin at itu.int; Georg Kell; richard.manning at oecd.org; walter.fust at deza.admin.ch; astrid.dufborg at sida.se; guy.sebban at iccwbo.org; amiller at itaa.org; rbloem at ngocongo.org; bruck at research.at; rrogers at giic.org; mfleeton at dgfoundation.org; grossda at state.gov; doris.bertrand at bmaa.gv.at; mission.tunisia at ties.itu.ch; mission.pakistan at ties.itu.ch; mb at hq.unu.edu; Marcel BOISARD; wendy.mann at fao.org; bridge at unicttaskforce.org; advisors at unicttaskforce.org; startup at unicttaskforce.org
Cc: Guido Bertucci; max-henri.cadet at itu.int; Makane Faye; Omar Bizri; Nikhil Chandavarkar; charles.geiger at itu.int; Haiyan Qian; Harry.De-Backer at cec.eu.int; Guennady Fedorov; michael.roeskau at cecd.org; Hans Hansell; masood.hatiif at gmail.com; Gerolf.Weigel at deza.admin.ch; john.dryden at oecd.org; raul.zambrano at undp.org; Patrizio Civili; david.benfield at fao.org; Denis Gilhooly; rinalia at gkps.org.my; radhika.lal at undp.org; Gherardo Casini; ayesha.hassan at iccwbo.org; smelhem at worldbank.org; Martin HILBERT; konstantinova at icnm.net
Subject: [startup] Consultations on Action Line 11 of WSIS

Dear colleagues, 

We are pleased to invite you to attend a first consultation that DESA, in its capacity of "provisional focal point" for facilitation of Action Line 11 of the Geneva Plan of Action of the World Summit on the Information Society, will convene on 15 May 2005  in Salle XXV of the Palais de Nations, Geneva. The meeting will be open to all relevant stakeholders. The exact time of the meeting (most probably in the afternoon) will be communicated later. 
This meeting, convened in line with paragraph 108 of the Tunis Agenda for the Information Society, will provide an opportunity to discuss ways to enhance collaboration among diverse stakeholders in ensuring effective multi-stakeholder implementation, at the international level, of the outcomes of WSIS as regards international and regional cooperation. The other facilitators for this Action Line are the Regional Commissions, UNDP, ITU and UNESCO. 
As stated in paragraph 110 of the Tunis Agenda, "the cordination of multi-stakeholder implementation activities would help to avoid duplication of activities. This should ionclude. inter alia, information exchange, creation of knowledge, sharing of best practices, and assistance in developing multi-stakeholder and policy/private partnerships". We hope that at the forthcoming meeting, interested stakeholders will present their proposals on optimal modalities for this work, bearing in mind the specific  tasks under Action Line 11 (see paragraph 26 of the Geneva Plan of Action here: http://www.itu.int/dms_pub/itu-s/md/03/wsis/doc/S03-WSIS-DOC-0005!!MSW-E.doc). 
We look forward to a productive discussion. 
Best regards, 

S. Khan, Director, Office for Ecosoc Support and Coordination 
Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations 

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