[WSIS CS-Plenary] Re: [governance] CS IGC IGF Statement

David Allen David_Allen_AB63 at post.harvard.edu
Fri May 19 16:47:27 BST 2006

I am unclear how this was released as a caucus statement, without at least a little prior consultation.  I can imagine a group present in the meeting who put something together and then present that as their position, 'by that group.'  But the caucus as a whole?

The text says 'members of the Internet Governance Caucus.'  That does not effectively distinguish from the Caucus itself, and it will not be heard as doing so by the uninitiated.  Indeed, later text goes on to, for example, 'The Internet Governance Caucus is pleased with ...' and '... the Internet Governance Caucus sees the ...,' clearly statements for and from the caucus as a whole.

It seems the question of caucus positions is very much up in the air at the moment, with the effort to create a charter and move on from there with agreed procedures.  Most especially, respect for the views of all is of the essence, certainly not taking opportunity only because that happens to be at hand.  Seems like basic CS values in fact.

We all appreciate the need to 'represent.'  I believe we also cannot afford not to be accurate and respectful.  It reflects on all of us and on our hopefully shared values.


At 4:43 PM +0200 5/19/06, Wolfgang Kleinwächter wrote:
>Dear list,
>attached is the statement I gave on behalf of the present members of the Caucus in the afternon session of the IGF Open Consultations.
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>Content-type: application/msword; name=Statement.doc
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