[WSIS CS-Plenary] April fool's day? Was Re: [governance] APC Statement as IGF II closes
Meryem Marzouki
marzouki at ras.eu.org
Thu Nov 15 15:23:33 GMT 2007
Le 15 nov. 07 à 16:03, karen banks a écrit :
> ps.. and meryem, to some extent you are right, not a typo so much,
> ut open to misinterpretation - the word 'definition' shouldn't be
> in the phrase, as it creates just this kind of misundertanding.. we
> will edit the statement
Please do if indeed this was not what was meant. There are so many
people and groups and institutions.. that would be more than happy to
understand it as it actually reads in this first version. If indeed
APC understanding is what you specified in your previous reply
("irrespecive of how anyone might feel about the illegaility of
specific content, it is illegal - but 'harmful' content, is
essentially content that some interested group wishes to make illegal
- and the raod to that, is largely via self and co-regulatory schemes
- and often implemented by inappropraite parties.."), then may I
suggest other wordings that you may or may not use:
"WG on the impact of content regulation by technical and soft law
measures on human rights and the rule of law"
And this working group would actually be able to build on huge
existing work.
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