[WSIS CS-Plenary] OECD Civil society reference group & OECD 2008 Ministerial Meeting on the Future of the Internet Economy

McLaughlin, Lisa M. Dr. mclauglm at muohio.edu
Mon Jun 9 02:13:42 BST 2008

Hi Francis and all,

Try http://thepublicvoice.org/events/seoul08/. When you scroll down, you'll see "reference group" list.



On 6/8/08 9:05 PM, "Dr. Francis MUGUET" <muguet at mdpi.org> wrote:

[Please note that by using 'REPLY', your response goes to the entire list. Kindly use individual addresses for responses intended for specific people]

Click http://wsis.funredes.org/plenary/ to access automatic translation of this message!

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