[Pal-dc] [EIFL-all] EIFL Newsletter No. 61 January - February 2013

Andrius Krisciunas andrius.krisciunas at eifl.net
Thu Jan 17 09:19:37 GMT 2013

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No. 61 - January - February 2013

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EIFL update

 <http://www.eifl.net/news/tribute-aaron-swartz> Tribute to Aaron Swartz

EIFL mourns the loss of Internet freedom activist.


EIFL-Licensing Update

 <http://www.eifl.net/news/new-agreement-pediatric-neurology-briefs> New
agreement for Pediatric Neurology Briefs

EIFL has signed a new agreement with Pediatric Neurology Briefs Publishing
for Pediatric Neurology Briefs. The agreement runs until 31 December 2015,
and is open to members of all 48 EIFL-partner consortia.


EIFL-OA Update

 <http://www.eifl.net/news/coar-training-materials> COAR Training materials

EIFL is happy to report that COAR Working Group “Repository and Repository
Networks Support & Training” released a collection of training materials on
operational issues required to install, implement and deploy open access

Implementing OA Mandates in Europe: OpenAIRE Study

"Implementing Open Access Mandates in Europe: OpenAIRE Study on the
Development of Open Access" is a new book co-authored by Birgit Schmidt
(Goettingen State and University Library) and Iryna Kuchma (EIFL-OA
Programme Manager), published in November 2012 by Universitätsverlag
Göttingen (Goettingen University Press).

 <http://www.eifl.net/news/university-nairobi-open-access-policy> University
of Nairobi Open Access Policy

In December 2012 the University of Nairobi adopted an Open Access Policy and
launched an open access repository.

 <http://www.eifl.net/news/eifl-oa-project-kenya-tanzania-uganda> EIFL
starts an OA project in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda

“Open access: knowledge sharing and sustainable scholarly communication in
Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda” is a new regional EIFL project funded by Spider,
the Swedish Program for ICT in Developing Regions. It will be will be
implemented in partnership with EIFL member consortia: KLISC, COTUL and


EIFL-IP Update

 <http://www.eifl.net/news/libraries-and-rros-eifl-guide> Libraries and RROs
- an EIFL guide

New EIFL guide on how to negotiate with your national Reproduction Rights
Organization available online.

 <http://www.eifl.net/news/public-domain-webinar-slides-available> Public
Domain webinar - slides available

The public domain is the name given to creative works that are not protected
by copyright law. The aim of the webinar was to celebrate “Public Domain
Day” on 1.1.2013 when, on this day every year, a wealth of knowledge becomes
freely available to humankind. Check out authors that just entered the
public domain.

 <http://www.eifl.net/news/eifl-welcomes-groundbreaking-wipo-decision> EIFL
welcomes groundbreaking WIPO decision

EIFL welcomes the decision by WIPO Member States to conclude a treaty
negotiation on copyright limitations and exceptions for people with print
disabilities in June 2013, and looks to the next six months to ensure that
the final text meets the needs.

 <http://www.eifl.net/news/cfl-essential-handbook-launches> "CFL - the
essential handbook" launches

Hone your copyright skills in 2013!



Eduroam webinar: Collaborative Internet Access

EIFL-FOSS organised a webinar in November 2012 to introduce eduroam to EIFL
libraries. Eduroam (education roaming) is a secure wireless server,
developed for the international research and education community to support
the mobility needs of staff, students and researchers. The guest speaker was
Brook Schofield of TERENA based in the Netherlands.

Islandora webinar: Building digital repository ecosystems

EIFL-FOSS organised a webinar in November 2012 to introduce Islandora to
EIFL libraries. Islandora combines the Drupal and Fedora open software
applications to create a robust digital asset management system that can be
fitted to meet the short and long term collaborative requirements of digital
data stewardship. Presentation slides and video for review are available.

First EIFL-FOSS webinar in Russian takes place

The first ever EIFL-FOSS webinar in Russian has taken place, focusing on the
CUFTS and GODOT e-resource management software. Presentation slides and
video for review are available.

OpenBiblio webinar: Software to digitise small and rural libraries

EIFL-FOSS held a webinar looking at OpenBiblio, an open source integrated
library management system of particular interest to small libraries with
limited technical expertise and resources of less than 50,000 volumes.
Presentation slides and video for review are available.

Blacklight: a solution for a unified discovery interface

EIFL-FOSS organised a free webinar looking at Blacklight, the discovery
interface software. This webinar focussed specifically on running Blacklight
as a unified discovery solution for many institutional repositories.
Presentation slides and video for review are available.

Webinars create a buzz about FOSS in libraries

The newest spotlight article focuses on the EIFL-FOSS webinars. A total of
25 webinars were held in 2011 and 2012.



 <http://www.eifl.net/news/new-award-library-open-government-services> New!
Award for library open government services

EIFL’s Public Library Innovation Programme (EIFL-PLIP) is now inviting
applications for a new award – for innovative library services using
information and communication technology (ICT) to contribute to open
government. The deadline for submitting applications is 3 March 2013.

Lithuania library service inspires major funds

Marius Katiliskis Public Library’s innovative Libr-A service for farmers has
inspired two major development grants that will boost economic growth in
Pasvalys District in Northern Lithuania.

Library inspires ICT grant for Kazakh villages

Seventeen villages in East Kazakhstan will soon have free internet access in
their local libraries as a result of Pushkin Library’s innovative youth
internet skills training and employment information service, which is funded

Kenya advocacy team wins funds for two libraries

Library advocates in Kenya have successfully won funding worth US$52,000
(about 4.5 million Kenya shillings) from the Constituencies Development Fund
(CDF) to re-house two libraries in new buildings.




9 Jan 2013

and Librarians: Adjusting to Changing Expectations. Location: Online

15 Jan 2013

Higher Education and Research in Kosovo. Location: Prishtina - Kosovo

29 Jan 2013

Seminar of Higher Education Library Cooperative. Location: Lampang -

7 Feb 2013

Beyond Access <http://www.eifl.net/events/beyond-access-partner-meeting>
partner meeting. Location: Washington DC - United States

7 Feb 2013

OpenAIRE <http://www.eifl.net/events/openaire-interoperability-workshop>
interoperability workshop. Location: Braga - Portugal

13 Feb 2013

Final <http://www.eifl.net/events/final-eifl-webinar-strategic-planning>
EIFL webinar on Strategic Planning. Location: Online

14 Feb 2013

libraries meet to promote innovation. Location: Radovis - Macedonia

25 Feb 2013

Investigative <http://www.eifl.net/events/investigative-visit-burma>  visit
to Burma. Location: Yangon and Mandalay - Burma

27 Feb 2013

perceptions of public libraries in Zimbabwe. Location: Harare - Zimbabwe


Keep in touch | About EIFL


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  <http://www.eifl.net/rss-all> RSS

EIFL is an international not-for-profit organisation based in Europe with a
global network of partners. Working in collaboration with libraries in more
than 60 developing and transition countries in Africa, Asia, Europe, and
Latin America, EIFL enables access to knowledge for education, learning,
research and sustainable community development.


Join us in supporting EIFL and make a donation today. Together we will grow
EIFL’s global network and raise the standard of education & living for
people in developing and transition countries for many generations to come.


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