[Pal-dc] Recent reading on public libraries and technology

Stuart Hamilton Stuart.Hamilton at ifla.org
Thu Jan 24 10:09:07 GMT 2013

Hi everyone


I just wanted to share a couple of interesting links with you from my
recent reading:


Why Access to Information Needs to be Central to the Debate on Poverty:
jan/18/mdgs-poverty-eradication-information-access?CMP=twt_gu (A
Guardian article from the UK which pinpoints the role of information in
development. See the comments for contributions from libraries)


Do we Still Need Libraries?:
es (an in depth discussion on the New York Times about the direction
public libraries should take)


The Emerging Story of California State Libraries:
http://www.library.ca.gov/lds/docs/CAPublicLibraryStoryMap.pdf (an
excellent advocacy document that highlights access to technology through
public libraries)


As an update to the activities of the Dynamic Coalition on Public Access
through Libraries I can share that we are holding a workshop on
libraries and public access at the WSIS+10 Review event in Paris on
Tuesday February 26th. I'll share more news on this soon - remote
participation will be possible for those of you unable to make it to


Also forthcoming: news on the activities of the Beyond Access
<http://www.beyondaccess.net/>  initiative in 2013. I hope to post this
in the second half of February.







Stuart Hamilton

Director of Policy and Advocacy

International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)

P.O. Box 95312
2509 CH The Hague


00 31 70 314 0884


Twitter: @ifladpa



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