[WSIS CS-Plenary] Wireless Access at Palexpo/WSIS - The costs...

karen banks karenb at gn.apc.org
Sun Dec 7 15:14:05 GMT 2003


this is pretty outrageous. Suggest the CSB take this up as a matter of 
urgency as soon as possible and at least during the first meeting.

i believe wireless will be easily accesible in the ICT4D Hall - but that 
doesn't help for Hall 1 - and what about Hall 2?


At 14:29 07/12/2003 +0100, Robert Guerra wrote:
>Here's the latest on Wireless at the Summit ....
>here is the cost related to  the "value cards" to use Wireless.
>I'm not sure "value" is the right word to use....

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