Adam Peake ajp at glocom.ac.jp
Sat Nov 22 14:06:49 GMT 2003


>Wolfgang Kleinwachter
>==> [Standby: William Drake (CPSR, Switzerland)]

The Internet governance caucus recommended William Drake for a 
roundtable speaking position. To the best of my knowledge, this is 
the first time the group has collectively had the opportunity to put 
forward a person to speak on its behalf. Usually the same people have 
spoken for the group in WSIS govt. plenary sessions, we've seen one 
or two speakers on "governance" at almost all prepcoms and other 
meetings. But they self-selected on-site, not through consultation 
with the caucus list. We're a new group struggling to create a 
process that's open and transparent. It's not easy.

I know this was a collective decision by the ad-hoc committee, that 
the task must have been extremely hard (particularly when selecting 
between people we know and like), but I would be grateful if you 
could explain why the caucus' recommendation was not accepted.




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