[WSIS CS-Plenary] NCUC list of recommended CS names for WGIG

Enrique A. Chaparro echaparro at uolsinectis.com.ar
Mon Sep 13 01:30:51 BST 2004

On Sun, 12 Sep 2004 19:18:27 -0400
"Milton Mueller" <mueller at syr.edu> wrote:

MM> Enrique:
MM> Veni Markovski is a Board member of ICANN. Will you now
MM> apply the same dismissive standards to his opinions?

Dismissive? What do you mean by dismissive? Have I said anything
that is false, libellous or offensive?
MM> I believe that your attempt to dismiss anyone and anything
MM> associated with ICANN is wrong, and needs to be challenged
MM> directly.

I don't dismiss anyone or anything associated with ICANN. I have
the highest of respects for many of the people included in your
list, even if in some cases I don't share their views or their
organization's policies. As almost always, I'm afraid that the 
prejudice is in the eye of the beholder. 

But, if you ask for my opinion, I believe that ICANN has done much
more harm than good, and should be completely replaced by new, more
democratic and less power-hungry structures. A view, BTW, shared by
some of the NCUC-proposed candidates.

MM> First, NCUC is composed of legitimate civil society 
MM> and WSIS. 

I do not want to enter into discussions about legitimacy (a rather
subjective word), overlappings, etc. It might take a lot of time, and
perhaps we won't be able to arrive to any reasonable outcome. It would
be unavoidable to enter into bottomless arguments about things like
``How could you fight agtainst corporate stranglehold on the Internet,
if [whatever organization] depends on corporate funding for its very
However, I will be more than pleased to discuss these issues with you
offline, if you are so inclined.

MM> Third, it should be obvious that a civil society that is
MM> unified and welcoming of multiple participants is stronger
MM> than one that is divided, jealous, and erects artificial 
MM> boundaries between different activities. In relation to 
MM> the WGIG nominations, there are probably several names
MM> that would be acceptable to both entities. The more unity
MM> there is here, the better.
Having a `unified' civil society (whatever that buzzword could mean)
seems utopical to me. I have no common interests with many so-called 
`CS members' with strong ties with corporate or governmental interests.
However, I do agree to the idea that it would be better to have a 
well-defined common position and strong requirements of accountability
for those who eventually may be nominated.

Best regards,


[... primer parrafo...[1]]
¿Despectiva? ¿Que quiere Ud. decir por `despectiva'? ¿He dicho algo 
que resulte falso, calumnioso u ofensivo?

[...segundo parrafo...]
No soy despectivo respecto de nadie ni nada relacionado con ICANN. Tengo
el mas alto respeto por mucha de la gente incluida en su lista, aun en
los casos en que no comparto sus visiones o las politicas de las 
organizaciones a las que pertenecen. Como casi siempre, me temo que el
prejuicio esta en el ojo del observador[2]
Pero, si desea saber mi opinion, le dire que creo que la ICANN ha hecho
mucho mas daño que bien, y deberia ser completamente reemplazada por
estructuras mas democraticas y menos hambrientas de poder. Una vision,
por otra parte, compartida por alguno de los candidatos propuestos
por el NCUC.

[...tercer parrafo y ss...]
No deseo entrar en discusiones sobre legitimidad (una palabra bastante
subjetiva), superposiciones, etc. Podria llevar gran cantidad de tiempo,
y quizas no lleguemos a ningun resultado razonable. Sera inevitable
entrar en discusiones sin fin sobre cosas como ``¿Como se puede luchar
contra el estrangulamiento corporativo de la Internet, si al mismo
tiempo [la organizacion `equis'] depende de fondos corporativos para
su propia existencia?

Sin embargo, me complacera sobremanera discutir fuera de linea estas
cuestiones con Ud., si Ud. asi lo quiere.

[...tercer parrafo...]
Tener una sociedad civil (lo que fuera que esta palabreja quiere decir)
`unificada' me parece utopico. No tengo intereses en comun con muchos
sedicentes `miembros de la CS' con fuertes vinculaciones corporativas
o gubernamentales. Sin embargo, acuerdo con la idea de que seria mejor
tener una posicion comun bien definida, y fuertes obligaciones de
rendir cuentas para las personas que finalmente resulten nominadas.



[1] Milton no ha considerado util proveer una traduccion de su mensaje.
Acepten mis disculpas por no proveer una traduccion. La proxima vez,
le respondere en mi propia lengua...

[2] En mi tierra, se llama a eso `tener cola de paja'.

``Izena duen guzia omen da.''
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