FW: [WSIS CS-Plenary] Civil Society and the Multi-Stakeholderism

mclauglm at po.muohio.edu mclauglm at po.muohio.edu
Sun Apr 3 16:58:48 BST 2005

I think that we've broken a real barrier here--a 
gender barrier, actually. Rony referred to my 
apology to Djilali as sweet and kind, and Djilali 
apparently has assumed that I am a male. 
Generally, these are used as mutually 
incompatible references. So the internet really 
does facilitate gender ambiguity, as is stated in 
those Microsoft and MCI commercials:))

Sorry for cluttering up mailboxes with this observation,


>Dear Sir,
>Thanks a lot for your reply and congratulations for
>the effort made to translate with French babel fish...
>Those who have the chance to deal with International
>NGO in the North with some financial capacity can try
>to help... the Civile society must be able to ensure
>correct and sustainable translation in 4 or 5
>languages.. our independancy begin with this
>improvement.... You can check than african wsis civil
>society list seemed to have find a first solution...
>because of they wont it
>Cher ami
>merci pour les efforts de traduire mÍme avec babel
>fish... la sociÈtÈ civile devrait avoir envie de
>rÈsoudre ce problËme de traduction et quant on veut on
>peut comme l'a fait la liste de la SMSI sociÈtÈ civile
>africaine. Notre crÈdibilitÈ passe par lý
>--- mclauglm at po.muohio.edu wrote:
>>  Dear Djilali and others,
>>  I apologize for my inability to express myself in
>>  languages besides English. My Spanish is not
>>  good, and I have no ability to write in French.
>>  Unfortunately, "google language tools" and "babel
>>  fish" translations do not help us to communicate
>>  well. I appreciate what you are saying very much,
>>  and ILO is an interesting example. So here is
>>  another practical issue regarding process and
>>  substance: how do we include everyone in respect
>>  to language when, individually, we do not have in
>  > common a first language?

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