[WSIS CS-Plenary] speakers list transmitted to the ITU

Jean-Louis FULLSACK jlfullsack at wanadoo.fr
Mon Oct 10 20:40:18 BST 2005

Dear all
It's arguable whether APC with 6 nominated speakers meets CS organizations representativeness for this final WSIS show in Tunisia.
Another question is about the country mentioned on the list (last column). Could Rik tell us please what its meaning is ? 
Finally, as active CS members, we deserve more than "a short summary (one paragraph)" of the communication of "our" representatives, among who a big part is unknown even for well initiated WSIS CS participants.  
Jean-Louis Fullsack

> Message du 10/10/05 19:08
> De : "Rik Panganiban" 
> A : plenary at wsis-cs.org
> Copie à : 
> Objet : [WSIS CS-Plenary] speakers list transmitted to the ITU
Dear friends,

Please find below the final list of recommended speakers from civil society for the WSIS summit in Tunis that has been transmitted to the ITU. This list is the result of wide consultations among the various civil society entities, caucuses and working groups involved in the WSIS, and attempts to balance the various issue areas, interests and concerns expressed by civil society in the process.  The final list was drawn up by a selection committee composed of representatives of our regional caucuses as well as a member of the civil society Bureau and Content and Themes group.

Here is the breakdown:

Opening Ceremony: Gender: 1 woman and 1 man / Region: 1 Europe, 1 Latin America Caribbean
High Level Panel: Gender: 2 women, 3 men / Region: 3 Asia Pacific, 2 Africa
Roundtables: 5 women, 3 men / Region: 1 Latin America Caribbean, 1 North America , 3 Europe, 2 Africa, 1 Asia Pacific
Plenary: Gender: 11 women, 15 men / Region: 10 Africa, 6 Europe, 5 Asia, 4 North America, 1 Latin America

As we understand the process, the Secretary General of the WSIS, Mr. Utsumi, will recommend to the President of the WSIS the entire package of speakers to speak from the various stakeholders.  The President of the WSIS will then make the final determination as to who will speak and when at the Summit.

In order to assist Mr. Utsumi and the President of the WSIS in determining the final speakers from civil society in Tunis, we suggest the following procedure:

1.    All recommended speakers or their nominating entities should forward to the selection committee the CV or brief biography of the nominee as well as short summary (1 paragraph) of what the individual proposes to speak about. These should be sent to rik.panganiban at ngocongo.org by 1800 hours EST, Wednesday 12 October.  

2.    These CVs and summaries will be compiled into an annex to be transmitted to the ITU and made available to the CS Plenary.

3.    The WSIS secretariat will make a final determination as to who will speak in Tunis, with the final approval of the President of the WSIS.

The WSIS executive secretariat will get back to us their initial feedback on this list, and any other specific information shortly.  Thanks again to everyone for your assistance in this difficult process.


Rik Panganiban
on behalf of the Selection Committee


Yoshio Utsumi
World Summit on the Information Society
Dear Mr. Utsumi:
Please find attached to this letter the recommended list of speakers for the various speaking slots allotted to civil society during the World Summit on the Information Society from November 16-18, 2005 in Tunis, Tunisia.
This list is the result of wide consultations among the various civil society entities, caucuses and working groups involved in the WSIS, and attempts to balance the various issue areas, interests and concerns expressed by civil society in the process.  The final list was drawn up by a selection committee composed of representatives of our regional caucuses as well as a member of the civil society Bureau and Content and Themes group.
We will be happy to assist you in obtaining detailed CV’s and suggested subject areas that each speaker would speak on if desired. Please note that in the few instances where an individual has been listed in more than one category, if that individual is chosen to speak for one slot that they be removed from consideration for the others.
We thank you for this opportunity to make the following recommendations, and trust that it will receive your careful consideration.  Please contact us if we can provide any further assistance or guidance.
Rik Panganiban
On behalf of the Civil Society Selection Committee
World Summit on the Information Society
Recommended Civil Society Speakers
8 October 2005

NameNominating EntityAccredited Organization (title)Country
Opening Ceremony
Bissio, RobertoAPCInstituto del Tercer Mundo, Director Uruguay
Renate BloemNGO Community
Philanthropic InstitutionsCONGO, President Switzerland

High Level Panel
Buntan, Monthian Disability Caucus(Thailand Association of the Blind, President)Thailand
Diouf , Pape Caucus AfricainDiaspora Africaine pour la Société de l’Information, PresidentSenegal
Etta , Florence Telecentres Caucus(Kenya ICT Policy Project) Kenya
Garcia-Ramilo, Concepcion Asia-Pacific CaucusAPC, Womens’ Networking Support Programme, Global CoordinatorPhilippines
Swaminathan, M S  M S Swaminatan Research Foundation, ChairmanIndia

Round Tables
Bissio, RobertoAPCInstituto del Tercer Mundo, DirectorUruguay
Corriero, JenniferCanadian Civil Society, North American / European CaucusTakingITGlobal, co-founderCanada
Davies, Simon Privacy and Security WG(Privacy International, director)United Kingdom
Etta, FlorenceTelecentres Caucus(Kenya ICT Policy Project) Kenya
Ershova , TatianaMulti-Stakeholder Partnership FamilyInstitute of the Information Society, Director General Russian Federation
Esterhuysen, Anriette IG CaucusAssociation for Progressive Communications, Executive DirectorSouth Africa
Gurumurthy, AnitaGender CaucusIT for Change, executive directorIndia
White, Aidan Media CaucusInternational Federation of Journalists, Secretary GeneralIreland


NameNominating EntityAccredited Organization (title)Country
Barlow, John Perry North American / European CaucusElectronic Frontier Foundation, co-founderUSA
Barry, Boubacar Caucus AfricainENTIS, Executive  SecretaryGuinea
Ben Jemaa, TijaniScience and TechnologyWFEO - World Federation of Engineering Organizations, Vice Chairman of CICTunisia
Ben Marzouk, Mohamed Elyes Caucus ArabOrganization Tunisienne de Jeunes Medecins sans Frontieres, PresidentTunisia
Davies, Simon CS Privacy and Security WG(Privacy International, Director)United Kingdom
de Kerckhove, DerrickCanadian NetworkMcLuhan Program in Culture and Technology, DirectorCanada
Esterhuysen, Anriette IG CaucusAPC. Executive DirectorSouth Africa
Etta, Florence Telecentres Caucus(Kenya ICT Policy Project)Kenya
Faidutti, BrunaHuman Rights CaucusWorld Association of United Nations Associations, Geneva Director USA/Italy
Frau-Meigs, DivinaEducation , Research and Academia IAMCR - International Association for Media and Communication Research, Vice-presidentFrance
Gauri, LathaGrassroots CaucusOneworld InternationalIndia
Gross, RobinNorth American / European CaucusIP Justice, Executive DirectorUSA
Jeet   Singh, Parminder West-Asia RegionIT For Change, Executive Director India
Khemakhem, JameleddineChild Rights CaucusATUDE - Association tunisienne des droits de l'enfant, Secretary GeneralTunisia
Krebs,Viola Volunteer Family &  North American / European CaucusICV - International Conference Volunteers, DirectorSwitzerland
Lohento, Ken (PANOS, NTIC Coordinator) Nigeria
Muguet, Francis Scientific Information WGGlobal Knowledge Partnership France
Nana, DelphineCaucus AfricainCentre féminin pour la promotion du développement, Coordinatrice GénéraleCameroon 
Njenga, Emmanuel  Caucus AfricainAPCKenya
Pazello, Magaly Gender CaucusDAWN Network, WSIS focal point Brazil
Sagun, Robert Youth CaucusSchoolNet Africa, WSIS Policy CoordinatorPhilippines
Sarker, ParthaAsia Regional Caucus, Telecentres Caucus(Bytes for All, co-founder) APC  Bangladesh
Shirley Jr., Joe OCCAM, Navajo NationNavajo Nation, PresidentUSA
Tahmasebi, Susan West-Asia RegionIranian Civil Society Organizations Training & Research CenterIran
White, Aidan Media Caucus International Federation of Journalists, Secretary GeneralIreland 
Zulu, Brenda Media CaucusAPCZambia

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