[WSIS CS-Plenary] Global Alliance CS Nom Com

karen banks karenb at gn.apc.org
Tue May 9 09:53:48 BST 2006

hi philippe

>Volunteers to serve in the Nom Com: We've now reached 26 volunteers, 
>which is just up to the minimal number we had established at the 
>initial stage of the process. Therefore we need you to continue to 
>volunteer to make sure this list, and therefore the Nom Com, is as 
>representative as possible. In addition, I want to underline that 
>there are some constituencies which are barely represented in this 
>list, in particular civil society from GRULAC.

actually, looks like 36!.. unless 10 have come in this morning.. 
that's great.. maybe a few more will come in today..

>Nominees to the Strategy Council: we are about 48 hours before the 
>deadline for submission of nominations to the CS Nom Com, but we so 
>far received quite few nominations (both self nominations and 
>nomination supported by a CS WG or caucus). We need much more 
>nominations to make the recommendation process relevant. In 
>particular, CS groupings (WG and caucus) are fully encouraged to 
>present their nominations at this stage.

we will be sending in nominations tomorrow morning..


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